Wednesday 16 March 2011

Information + Full Feature List

Buying the real Enhance aim costs around$69.99 But simply using this crack you can use it for free!
This is the newest version that got realised on the 15th of march! And there is no chance of getting any vac ban! Once Enhancedaim update there cheat i will disable this cheat for a couple of days untill i update the newest crack :D


For first 250 downloads i will be giving for free without survey!

Downloads so far : 29

Aimbot System
*Auto AimAutomatically aim at target, includes spawn protection support.
*Auto ShootAutomatically fire at target.
*Aim PredictionAdjust for latency when aiming.
*Strafe PredictionAdjust for player strafing.
*Field of View adjustmentPermit a limited angle for aimbot to aim.
*Aim PositionAim at neck, chest, body, head, or best.
*Aim KeySpecify an aimbot toggle key.
*Aim ModeAim by distance or field of view.
*Aim SmoothSpecify speed of aimbot for human style.
*Aim TeamAim at enemies or teammates.
*Aim Trigger BotAutomatically fire when crosshair is over target.
*Trigger Bot KeySpecify a key for the triggerbot.
*Trigger SpreadFactor in spread when utilizing triggerbot.
*Non-sticky AimingHumanized aiming.
*Randomized AimingAim position randomly selected.
*Aim DelayAimbot delays from target to target.
*Perfect Auto WallPerfectly shoots at targets behind walls that bullets can penetrate.

Visual System
*Extra Sensory PerceptionDraws name, health, weapon, box, and distance on players.
*Chameleon SkinsRenders different colors on player models based on visibility. Customizable colors.
*Glow ModelsRenders a colored glow shell on players.
*Grenade DetectorDetects thrown grenades.
*Player TrailsDraws player trails.
*XQZ2 WallhackRenders player models through walls.
*Asus WallhackWallhack that renders textures transparent.
*Wire FrameRenders entire map in wireframed style.
*Full BrightBrightens entire map.
*Lowres TexturesRemoves high resolution textures.
*Model BoxesDraws boxes on all models.
*CrosshairRenders permanent crosshair. Multiple colors and options.

*Anti-Aim Makes player harder to hit.
*True Anti-Anti-Aim Makes player harder to hit.
*Perfect No Spread Removes spread completely, improving accuracy.
*Perfect No Recoil Removes recoil completely, improving accuracy.
*Anti-recoil Partial recoil reduction, less easy to detect.
*No Flash Removes flash.
*No Smoke Removes smoke.
*No Sky Removes the sky.

*Auto Pistol Makes pistols fire as if they were automatics.
*Auto Reload Automatically reload when out of ammo.
*Say Spam Automatically spam chosen text.
*Speed Hack Adjust move/shoot speed and zoom around the map.
*Bunny Hop Automatically Jump continuously.
*Name Stealer steal a player's name with no extra characters or spaces.
*Panic Key Disable hack with push of a button.